Zip Code Generation


US ZIP Code Business Patterns Database

ZIPCodeWorld United States Business Patterns Edition includes number of establishments, number of employees, first quarter payroll, annual payroll and industry information by ZIP code as published by US Census 2005, 5-Digit ZIP code, city name,

US ZIP Code Database Mixed Case Edition

ZIPCodeWorld United States Gold Edition with Mixed Case City Name ZIP Codes Database includes 5-Digit ZIP code, city name, alias name, state code, phone area code, city type, county name, FIPS, time zone, day light saving flag, latitude,


Free United States ZIP Code Database

ZIPCodeWorld United States Free Edition includes 5-Digit ZIP code, state code and state name. The complete database contains over 42,000 unique records updated every month. This database is free for both personal and commercial usage.

USA ZIP Code Weather Station Database

United States ZIP codes database subscription service includes the nearest weather observation station code and name, ZIP code, city name, alias name, state code, phone area code, county name, FIPS, time zone, day light saving flag, latitude,

US ZIP Code Demographics

United States ZIP codes database one month subscription service. The database includes educational attainment, marital status, household incomes, occupation, unemployment, poverty rate, races, ages, ZIP code, city name, alias name, state code,

China Zip Code Lookup Tool

Software to search and query the zip code of any city or town in China. You can type in PinYin or the English name of the city or town of your choice, and the software will let you know the exact zip code for it. Reverse lookup feature is also available.

Code Generation Library  v.b.2.2.2

Byte Code Generation Library is high level API to generate and transform JAVA byte code.

Ejen (code generation system)  v.1.1

Ejen is a general purpose code generation system based on Java/XML/XSLT technologies.

FXL Code Generation and Transformation  v.1.3.0.beta

The FXL Project Eclipse Plugin leverages the integration of DSLs, (meta-) modeling approaches, code generation and the development of software configuration tools (sw-component-configuration).

Zip Code Finder  v.1.0

Zip Code Finder is an application written in Java for cleaning up mailing lists.

Zip2Map, map your zip code  v.0.4.alpha

with Zip2Map, one can find the geo map of any zip code(now U.

Unified Code Generation  v.1.1.3

This project provides an open-source framework for the generation of high quality source code which is suitable for safety-critical applications and certification (e.

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